Monday, December 11, 2006

More info...

Here is the August our webhost, Javier Vidueira and Bliksem Hosting, sent out an email offering a discount for people who paid their yearly dues in one payment. I like to pay that way anyway because otherwise I'll forget to send out checks so I paid and then noticed that for the next couple of months he was charging my card monthly for that yearly amount. I called him on it and he said he remove the charges but never did...fortunately my bank reversed them for me after I notified them of the fact that this guy is a crook.

Then one day I get an email from him saying that all of our sites have been moved to another server. Unfortunately they hadn't all been moved. Only little bits and pieces of a few of my sites had been moved. OSP, my dad's site, my e-store, and a site for my church were all left behind. We asked repeatedly for access to that old server to get this data, even sending letters from my attorney but no response.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thanks everyone

Looks like there are tons of people who have been jacked by Bliksem and javier. We're gonna do the best we can to get everything back and I'll keep ya posted.
