Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thanks everyone

Looks like there are tons of people who have been jacked by Bliksem and javier. We're gonna do the best we can to get everything back and I'll keep ya posted.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever had any luck going to the source of where their datacenters or servers are?

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you luck. Too many people have been screwed over by these crooks. Fortunately I got out before any damage was done.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point, anybody who has accounts with Bliksem is being ripped off on an ongoing basis. Support via helpdesk is an integral part of any webhosting service and failure to provide any support at all, never mind any contact method, clearly means they're in breach of their contracts with us, whether the servers are still up or not.

The fact that they've left the main advertising page up, but no helpdesk or contact info, and no explanation of what's going on for weeks now clearly indicates that are intentionally ripping off their customers.

Pretty amazing to watch such a well-rated company go down the shitter so quickly - have to assume it's been an intentional effort to steal from customers, given how soon it happened after the 'pay in full for a year' offer.

I'll be checking back to see if you come up with any more info. I also prepaid for a year and am out several hundred bucks.



3:43 PM  

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